Open House 2015


Once again, Friends of Burgess Park will be opening up several usually-hidden parts of the Passmore Edwards building on Wells Way – or to give it its full title, the Old Library, Baths And Washhouse (OLBAW)! This year, we’re forging ahead with making plans for the future of the building, having received a grant of seed funding to assist with this from the Heritage Lottery Fund. Come along and help us visualise the possibilities for the future of the building. The Wells Way Popup in the old library building will provide hospitality with refreshments, and there’ll be a second chance to look at the displays we set up for for the Making of a Modern Park meeting in May.

Old Library Baths and Washhouse building on the left, with Wells Way bridge over the drained canal, in about 1960
Old Library Baths and Washhouse building on the left, with Wells Way bridge over the drained canal, in about 1960


Come and join us 1pm to 5pm, 19th and 20th September 2015.

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