St George’s Church

print of St George's Church
St George’s Church, 1824

St George’s Church was built in 1824 to accommodate the local population explosion, which was too much for the Camberwell parish church of St Giles. But a century and a half on, with local housing reducing as the park developed, the building became impractical for the local congregation. It closed, became derelict, and was eventually converted to housing in 1994.

Begun in 1822, and completed 2 years later at a cost of £20,000, St George’s was one of many ‘Waterloo Churches’ built to celebrate the Duke of Wellington’s 1815 victory over Napoleon at Waterloo. The architect, Francis Bedford, used similar ‘Greek Revival’ designs for St John’s Waterloo, Holy Trinity Church in Borough, and St Lukes, W. Norwood. The stone mason for the original work was John Day, who had a yard at Camberwell Green, and also built and owned the baths in Addington Square.

Porticos of 3 very similar looking buildings
Three Bedford Churches – St John’s, Waterloo, St George’s and St Luke’s, W. Norwood (Jon Pickup)
In its early years, St.George’s stood virtually isolated – a towering landmark in otherwise largely open countryside.
A pastoral scene with canal and bridge in the foreground and casual bystanders
St George’s with Wells Way swing bridge and tower mill

The adjacent canal had been constructed 10 years earlier, but the area was still mostly fields and market gardens. However, it was built to last, accommodating 1734 people, and was able to cope with the rapidly developing streets around it. It became a centre for the Trinity College Cambridge mission to inner city London, at the end of the 19th century, and was Grade II listed in 1954.

Such was the local population expansion that the graveyard filled up by 1856. It was therefore turned into a small garden, opened in 1887. However, as the local population reduced in the mid-20th century with the development of the park, the building became something of a white elephant, and eventually the congregation had to move services out in 1970. Despite attempts to maintain it, no use could be found until, in 1977, it was sold to the Celestial Church of Christ, who also couldn’t afford to maintain it. That same year, vandals broke into the crypt, desecrating coffins, graffiti-ing walls, mutilating corpses – apparently driving a stake through the chest of one corpse and playing football with a 100yr old skull! There was even talk of smallpox danger from the disturbed corpses and skeletons in the crypt.

Headline - 'Theives smash child's coffin'
Cutting from South London Press, October 1982

The church was badly damaged by fire in 1980, and left roofless and vandalised for most of the 1980s. Demolition looked likely, but various alternative uses were proposed, including an arts centre/recording studio and an indoor sports centre. Then, in 1993 it was decided to turn the shell into housing association flats. What was left of the remains in the crypt were re-buried in Nunhead Cemetery, on 11th October 1993 (see Postscript below). After a successful 18 month, £2m conversion, it re-opened in 1994 as 30 ‘Mediterranean-style’ one-bedroom flats, run by St George’s Housing Co-operative.

Bronze Christ figure with bowed head
War memorial statue in front of St George’s Church

The expressive bronze Christ statue in the front railings is a 1919 war memorial. It’s by Arild Rosenkrantz, Danish painter/illustrator/stained glass artist – one of his very few sculptures. It was stolen in Aug 1991, only to turn up undamaged a fortnight later in a Brixton scrap-yard, following a newspaper appeal by the curate. It was Listed by English Heritage in 2017 – see blog here.

Very indistinct 19th Century sign painted on stone
Painted sign

Can anyone decipher this sign on the side of St George’s?!

It seems to be offering a Reward, possibly for information about persons damaging something. It may have been painted over and then painted a second time, so two sets of text seem to be visible. A lightning conductor runs through the centre, and the left side is very faded, possibly from water. Very fine signwriting, though!

Have a look for yourself, from Jubilee Plaza by the underpass.


Find out more:    


White horizontal grave slab with black text. An ornate cross at the head and wreath at the foot

We were lucky enough to be sent, from Austalia in 2021, this image of a memorial in Nunhead Cemetery. It marks the re-burial site of the human remains which were removed from St George’s crypt in 1993 when the conversion to flats was carried out (see comments from Dave Phillips and Dony below).

Together with this image, we received a copy of the list of bodies buried there, from the Necropolis Company who carried out the work. This lists the names of around 120 people who could be identified, presumably from inscriptions found in the crypt. Their dates of burial were mostly from the early- to mid-19th century (apart from some later family members), and would mostly be the well-to-do, who could afford a vault in the crypt. Please contact us if you think a person of interest may be on the list.

Read the article about St George’s Church from Southwark News, Napoleon, grave-diggers and thieves: The twisted tale of a Camberwell church

51 thoughts on “St George’s Church

  1. I went to services at this church in the early to mid 1970s. it brings back lovely memories to see it again. I was born in Evelina Mansions in 1963 but moved away to Devon in late 1978. I often wondered if the the church was still there, and I’m so glad to see it is.

  2. I just found out that my paternal great grandparents were married at this church in December 1896. My grandfather and grandmother moved from London to Canada in the early 1950s after the war, having grown up in Dartford, Kent. My grandfather never mentioned a Camberwell connection so we were unaware.

    I moved from Canada to the UK in 2007 (my brother and mother in 2004 and 2006 respectively) and my brother always had a fondness for the area. We always lived in West London but my brother’s purchase of a flat in Peckham and my move to live with my fiance in Camberwell have brought us all nearby. Perhaps it was always meant to be!

    Does anyone have an idea of where Holmby Street was? It’s no longer on any maps but was an SE5 postcode. It’s where my great grandparents were living at the time of their marriage.

    1. Hi. Yes Holmby St – when I used to live there it was a set of 6 floors of flats. It was demolished in 1964/6, the whole area was made into the concrete jungle of today. If you look at Google at the junction of Albany rd and Walworth rd, on the Albany rd side you will see a square play area. Holmby st was 10 mtrs to left of image. Hope this is ok. Good health! ps hope this was useful. George Pieri

      1. Hi George,

        Thanks so much for your reply. It’s very helpful and I’m so grateful someone knew where it once existed!

        All the best,

  3. My husband’s Great, Great, Great Grandparents, William and Mary Rolls were interred in the vault of St Georges, Camberwell. I read that what was left of their remains were re interred in Nunhead Cemetery. Does anyone know where I could find records of this event?

    1. Hi Jeanie
      Only just seen your post as I was thinking of that project that I did regarding smallpox and today’s pandemic. I was the project manager that was in charge of the refurbishment of the church into flats, and I can remember that we removed your husbands Great Great Great grandparents William Rolls and was re-interred at Nunhead cemetery. The records should be available at their office. I believe it was 1992 and performed by a specialist company on behalf of the home office. Before this was undertaken we placed articles in local newspapers asking for relatives to introduce themselves for any specific wishes to be carried out by ourselves. Hope this has helped you and your husband. Dave

      1. Hi Dave it’s Dony. I worked for you on that site and a lot of other sites. Great to see your name come up on here, I hope you are keeping well my friend. I remember the William Rolls crypt very well as you gave me the job of bricking up the crypt doors. I remember that most of the crypts had metal bars going across them to support the coffins, but William Rolls had big oak beams, and if i remember right it was the only one with an iron gate on it with the name William Rolls. Do you remember I found a cartwheel tuppence down there and gave it to you, this was one of the best jobs I had done back then. You also gave me the job of rebuilding the dome at the back of the church, best job we ever done for Rusjons, Dave, brings back memories mate, keep in touch! [Email supplied and passed on]

        1. Ah Rusjons! Gave me my opportunity as a young girl wanting to be a Carpenter when many wouldn’t 🙂 First site I went on, fantastic memories and still to date the best and most unique job I ever worked on. Was talking to a colleague this evening and decided to have a research, came across this article/thread.

        1. Hi Jeanie. i may even have some photos from the crypt as i used to take pictures of all my work. ill have to try find them. i have boxes and boxes somewhere. it would be interesting to know – back then, was William Rolls well to do, as you could clearly see the difference from the other crypts down there? as i said earlier, the other crypts have iron bars going across them to support the coffins, but William Rolls’ vault had thick oak beams across them, a gate and a name plate saying William Rolls Esquire. i think, as im no longer in the building game due to brain tumour. i make short films and documentaries, and maybe at some stage i would like to document this church.
          regards dony

          1. You’re right about William Rolls, Dony! The Rolls family were big landowners in the area, and the land St George’s is built on was donated by John Rolls. Descendants of John donated the land for the Passmore Edwards Library, Baths and Washhouse, almost next door in Wells Way, and set up the Rolls Royce company. They gave their name to Rolls Road – across Old Kent Road from the park.

          2. Hi Andrew Pearson
            That was a good little read. I remember asking my self years ago – I wonder if Mr William Rolls was or has anything to do with Rolls Royce? I briefly looked online but could not find anything, but with that little bit of information you gave me I shall be doing more research. So thanks for that

    2. Hi Jeanie, William Rolls wife Mary – was her family name before marriage Hartin or Devonshire, by any chance? regards dony

    3. Hi, I know it’s been a long time. But my wife’s great great great great grandpa was Alfred Tebbitt esq. He built the church with William and made a marble, which was displayed in the church, representing Mary with an urn. They were both Freemasons and I would be really pleased if we can get in touch about it. I’ve got much information and hope you have too. It will really help going through our relative’s ancestry historique which is for sure fantastic. Kind regards Vivien Bertone (fb)

  4. In 1981-’82, I attended a 1 year post-grad studies at what was then LCP. I lived at what was then, I think called Walworth Methodist International Hostel. I would run weekly through the adjoining park for exercise. I always admired what seemed to be the abandoned St. George’s Church. I’m glad I found this site to learn of it’s history and new life for the community.

  5. In 1951 I was born in St Giles hospital. Lived in Villa Street, Walworth (cobbled road).
    I was christened and confirmed in St Georges Church in 1961.
    Every Sunday morning my friend and I attended the 9am communion service, after the service it was down to the vicars house where breakfast was served.

    1. Hello Valerie.
      I was born in St Giles Hospital in 1946. My mother and stepfather got married in St George’s Church in 1952. My stepfather had a confectionary and tobacconist shop in Wells Way, not far from the church. We came to Australia in 1956 and I now live in western Sydney.

  6. Hi Valerie,
    My son was born at st. Giles hospital in 1958. We lived in the corner house facing st. George’s church and I too used to go to Sunday service before breakfast at vicarage! Wonderful memories.

  7. I went with a school friend to St George’s in about 1957. It was Corpus Christi and the first time I had been to a Sung Eucharist. The priest was Fr Geoffrey Beaumont and his C20th light music group was flourishing, with general shock-horror that the CofE was going to pot! Another priest presided while Fr Beaumont in a scruffy cassock played the piano and we raised the roof to ‘Alleluia, sing to Jesus’ with improvisation between verses and had Michael Brierley’s ‘modern’ tune ‘Camberwell’ to ‘At the name of Jesus’.

    I was sad to find the church closed and then demolished, but I became an organist and still play some of his music.

    1. Hi Margaret
      Thanks for giving us your memories of St George’s! It must have been a very active place for a long time, until the local population started to dwindle after the park got under way. Fr Beaumont seems to be quite a famous hymn-tune writer:
      But the church building is still there, thank goodness, and St George’s congregation is still going strong, but in a modern building nearby. You’ll be pleased to know they do have a ‘real’ pipe-organ there too!
      See below for another comment mentioning Fr Beaumont.

      1. Hello from New Zealand,
        My great x2 grandparents were married in St George’s in 1835, and also his brother and her sister in 1833! I was wondering who owns the church now and what is it used for?

    2. Hi, Margaret, I remember Fr, Geoff Beaumont well. Our house was on the corner of Wells Way, opposite Church. Fr Geoff used to ride a push bike, and he’d pop into our house, and play our piano. (he liked a drink, too) He was very nice and friendly. I got married in the church, and having grown up in the same house, used to attend church services with my friends.
      Every time there was a wedding, huge crowds used to turn out. Everyone knew someone, as that’s how it was in those days, between 40s-60s

    3. I went to St Georges Primary School, Camberwell, in the 1950s, held in the Mission Building next to Hassell’s the bakery Camberwell. Father Geoffrey Beaumont would rush into my upper primary class, stand at the upright piano, and thunder away at new hymn tunes for his Folk Mass, so that we could try them out: ‘There’s a wideness in the ocean’, ‘Lord, Thy word abideth’ and others. Eventually, on a Songs of Praise style program from St George’s Church, Camberwell. Still love the energy of Fr Geoff’s music, and I’m glad it’s being played.

  8. Family lived in Caldew Street, attended St. George’s School and Church as choirboy and married there. A great part of my life and that of my family

  9. My great great grandparents Thomas Ogilvy and Sarah Lee were married in St George’s Camberwell in 1826. I have some records of her mother ( remarried ) Harriet Lockwood originaly Harriet Hannibal from Martinique and Barbados. In 1831 she lived in 6 Upper St George’s Place Albany Road but I cannot find this address now. Sarah Lee was born in Martinique and baptised in Barbados.
    I would appreciate any information about the area at that time and where was Upper St George’s Place

  10. I lived in number 4 the alms houses. As kids we used to get our drawing paper off the workers when they went for lunch

  11. All my family going back to middle 1800s were married there. My sister and brother in law in 1959 by Geoffrey Beaumont. He was so drunk at the reception my father asked him to leave. He tied his cassock in a knot round his waist, jumped on his bike and went off singing. My husband and I married there in 1967 by the priest Michael Vonberg. I also went to Sunday school at the vicarage and later to the church and parish breakfast. Our last visit was our son’s Christening on Mother’s Day, March 1969.

  12. Did St. George’s Church, Peckham in the past have a boys’ boxing club connected to its history? I ask as I have seen an old postcard photo pre WW2 or 1940s/50s of a group of young boxers with a boxing trophy. Central boy, of 8 boys and two trainers, has a small shield badge on his chest where St. George (England) emblem is located top left on the shield with two other indistinct symbols on the low part of shield badge. Any ideas what group this might have been? Thank you

    1. Hi Bob. St. George’s Church didn’t run a boxing club, but after the Church was given over to flats (very sad as I grew up next to this), what was our old public baths, situated close to hump-bridge, became a boxing club. This was during the 70s. Only other one I knew was the Lynn boxing club, as my brother used to belong to this. Tony was well known and often boxed at Manor Place swimming baths when this was reverted to a ring. Boxer, Freddie Mills would watch these young fighters.
      All the best, Sheila

      1. Is it also possible that the Trinity Centre – attached to St George’s Church – had a boxing club at one time? They had a big building in New Church Road, towards Addington Square which had all sorts of clubs and societies. I think it was badly damaged in the war?

  13. My Nan and Grandad were married at St Georges on Christmas day 1927 and my Mum and Dad were married there in 1959. a beautiful church, such a shame it has had such an ignominious history latterly.

  14. Hi,
    I was brought up in St George’s Way and went to the Brownies and Guides. I met my husband who was a Scout in 21st Camberwell (Trinity) and we married with a guard of honour from the Guides and Scouts in March 1970. Michael Vonberg was the vicar who conducted the service, with scaffolding holding up the roof! We continued to be involved with the Uniformed organisations and attended services until we moved to Welling in the late 70’s. We are still actively involved in Scouting although now in our 70’s.
    My maiden name was Hawkins, and my husbands name is David.

    1. Hi Carol
      We do remember David and yourself from the 21st Camberwell scouts and also after church breakfast too. The little after breakfast youth group started by Gwen Rymer (ARK club days) still meet up every so often. We are trying to find a guy from this group called David Edmonds. If you could help we would appreciate your kindness.
      Its nice to hear a name from the past.
      We wish you both well. Jeff

      1. Hi Jeff. I don’t know if you still remember me, Ron Arthur? We were in the 21st Scouts together for many years and friends with Billy and Johnny Shields and Jim Simner.
        If you still remember me it would be great to speak to you again.

        1. Hi Ron,
          I remember yourself, along with Billy and John Shields at the time I was Assistant Scout Leader from 1965 along with Cyril Evans and Walley Channon the other leaders you may remember. I have been a leader from 1965 in other scout groups and gave up two years ago. Pete and Andy Edmonds are still my closest friends.

          It would be good to hear from you.


      2. I remember Gwen Rymer very well. She lived in the basement flat below our house in Wells Way. My parents, Derek and Betty Watts were very involved with St Georges. Dad was a church warden. Gwen was my brother’s godmother. Geoffrey Beaumont was a close family friend, as was Eric James.

  15. I was interested in the discussion about the removal of the bodies from the crypt to Nunhead Cemetery. Would anyone know what happened to the burials in the graveyard please? My ancestor Michael Ennis was buried there in 1854 but I’m having trouble working out whether the burials are still there (if so, they would now be under the car park and garden at the rear of the block of flats).

  16. My husband and I married in St. George’s Church, Camberwell, 62 years ago on 9th April, 1960. Rev Geoffrey Beaumont was the incumbent Vicar, but he had just recorded his 20th Century Mass, so he had gone off on a tour with the choir, performing the Mass, so we had Rev Eric James to perform our ceremony. He later became the Chaplain to the Queen and chair of Christian Action. My husband and I are still going strong, but we’re unable to properly celebrate our Diamond Wedding Anniversary because of Covid restrictions. I lived in Coleman Road, a short distance from the Church. So sad to hear it is no longer a Church, but great to see it is still used and remains unchanged on the outside.

    1. To add to that –
      We did miss Geoffrey Beaumont when he left St George’s to promote the 20th Century Mass – and our wedding suffered a lack of the Choir, amongst other setbacks, because of it. In addition, it was Lent, so we were not allowed any flowers in the Church: the Choir had gone off on tour with the 20th Century Mass: the organ was broken, so we had to have a piano: and the bells were not working either. So, all in all, it didn’t bode well, AND they said we were too young anyway (19 and 20) and it wouldn’t last! We have just celebrated our 62nd anniversary!

      Dorothy and Rodney
      Dorothy and Rodney’s marriage in St George’s Church, with Rev Eric James

      Pictured outside the church, on Wells Way. Behind Rodney is the emergency siren for canal accidents
      Pictured outside the church, on Wells Way. Behind Rodney is the emergency siren for canal accidents

      We used to love the trips to Trinity College, Cambridge, with the Church, and enjoyed many an afternoon tea in the undergrad’s rooms, and even tried our hand at punting on the River Cam. My Mum, May Baker, lived to be 100 – born in August 1899, she died in November 1999. Had she lived two more months, she would have lived in three centuries, a feat not achieved by too many people! She worked at the Sun Pat factory in the office in Parkhouse Street for several years.

    2. We were married on 21st March 1970 so could not celebrate our Golden Wedding because it was the first week end of lockdown. We had hoped for a +1 celebration in 2021 but alas still lockdown! Hopefully we will be able to celebrate our Diamond one in 2030!

  17. How absolutely wonderful to read the foregoing posts, and such interesting stories. I was born in Essex but both my parents were born in Camberwell, my Dad’s Grandparents having come from Swanscombe in Kent. My Dad was baptised at St.George’s on 2 June 1895, and he and my mother were married there on 21 September, 1921. They both went to School locally, my Mum at first to Boundary Lane School, close to Albany Road. My Dad ended up at Mina Road Higher Elementary School as it was called all those years ago, leaving when only 14 years old. I still have his final report from his Headmaster which I am so proud to have as it states he was good mannered, etc. his attendance was good, that he could speak a little French and was a very good artist. He subsequently spent time at Camberwell School of Art, not long, I think, and then became apprenticed at Odham’s Press and became a Process Engraver working ultimately at the Daily Mail in Fleet Street and a Member of the Society of Lithographic Artists, Designers and Engravers. All before the move took place of Fleet Street newspapers to Wapping, which now seems like ancient history.
    I worked for some time as Office Manager and PA to the Chief Nursing Officer at Kings College Hospital so I was interested to read of the births at St. Giles. I loved working in South London and watched the demolition of streets of houses leading from Albany Road as a Park was created. The whole area is steeped in history and over the centuries has changed from quiet farmland to a busy thriving part of London. What stories to be learned. I apologise for rabbiting on and hope anyone who reads this will be as fascinated as I am about living history as I am with the past. Thank you all. Kate.

  18. I too was born in St Giles’ Hospital in 1946, and my sister Susan was born at our home at 128 Wells Way (opposite the Vicarage) in 1948. Our parents were Winnie and Fred Bramley, they married at the Town Hall in 1939 just as war broke out. Dad worked as a plumber for Blewers the builders in Coleman Road for over 30 years and our mum was a dressmaker. I was Christened at Chislehurst along with my cousins but Sue was Christened at St. Georges. Dad had several sisters, and two were married at St George’s and dad gave them both away. Mum belonged to the Mothers Union, and she also went to Trinity College Cambridge for tea and punting on the river Cam. Dad did boxing at the Trinity Centre and I have a medal he won. He also went away with the club to Dymchurch and the huts they stayed in are still there (at the moment). Dad’s family lived in houses in Southampton Way and later Parkhouse Street, he went to a school that was in Southampton Way opposite Wells Way when he was young, but Iater when the Sun Pat Factory in Parkhouse Street was bombed it was too close for comfort and terrified his mum and sisters moved to Chislehurst, only Dad and his brother Jim stayed in Camberwell.
    Mum and Dad were full time air raid wardens during the war and their wardens post was in the garden of the vicarage, Mum and her friend Melanie Monk manned the phones and dad helped along with Frank Blewer and others with rescues and patrolling the area.
    Our little family lived in Wells Way until I was 9 when we too moved to Chislehurst but I only have lovely memories of my childhood in Wells Way, in those days we were safe and free to roam the streets and I went with friends to Brunswick Park, Camberwell Green and Ruskin Park and the long walk to and from Oliver Goldsmith School 4 times a day and where the headmistress Miss Cowie filled me with dread! I’ve so enjoyed this little trip down memory lane and reading everyone else’s memories too. Thank You.

  19. Me and my girlfriend used to go to the church which we turned into a club which we used every night to play music, dance and drink coffee. We had to get permission off the high church to do this. The then priest we knew as Father Fag, because he liked a fag and a drink. We had to move a lot of the coffins to clear a space where we could play music and dance. Eventually we all went our separate ways. Me and my girlfriend eventually got married in st George’s in June 1973.

  20. It may be of interest that the original St George’s Church is 200 years old this year. There are some events on this weekend in the Trinity College Centre and new St George’s Church on Newent Close.
    Photographic exhibition showing pictures and artefacts through the period Sat 2-6pm, Mon 10am-2pm and Tuesday 10.30am-12.30pm.
    The George is holding a celebration service at 11am, followed by a lunch.
    All are welcome.
    If possible please could you publicise this as there are some interesting pictures of the local area.

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